How do you combat psychic driving? Repetitive phrases designed to try to force you to be what someone else wants you to be or think the way someone else wants you to think.

How do you combat extreme social targeting? Where a group of 100 plus people try to force you to believe you are a "bad" person and thus use your reaction to these violations of boundaries to justify their continued persecution of you.

Self-Knowledge, Self-Validation, Discernment, and Boundaries created from the previous are what I've been working with but I wondered if you had any other techniques or tactics that might improve the situation. I've tried recording, in my own voice, various affirmations and the result was nausea. It's like I've been conditioned to reject my own voice.

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Thank you so much for this important series. I am looking forward for the next chapter.

BTW, I think that one of the worst causes of our mind polluted civilization, is the fact of the hidden activity of the malevolent Grey Aliens: mainly the Killy Tukort, Zeta Reticuli, and the Maytra, all of them are from The Orion Empire. There are a few other malevolent alien species that interfere with humanity, but I think that these three are the worst.

In my estimate they have kidnapped billions of people, all over the world, and wiped their memory afterwards, so as to ensure that what they did to these people, won't be discovered. Very few of us can actually neutralize this memory-wipe technology. And the victims are totally unaware of their new implants, which stop many natural processes in the human psyche. Even the natural ability to connect to SOURCE and to higher realms is stopped by these implants. So we start our lives in disadvantage before we even get to the "education system" or the Television and the Film Industry.

Ayelet H. Zimmerman.

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