Is it possible to totally control another person’s mind and choices? Can you make someone do something they don’t want to do?
We’re going to begin the exploration into this side of mind control in this, the second installment of the Secrets of Mind Control series (click here for part one).
The complete exploration of this topic will take multiple posts due to the fact the deepest and most all-encompassing aspects of what it means to be human play a role in what we call mind control, such as values, choice, desire, emotions, and the relationship between all that is and the individual.
Mind control is sometimes depicted as a Jedi mind trick, where weak-minded people give in to powerful suggestions. This depiction within the series Star Wars is an excellent allegory for the way mind control works.
Here are some examples:
+ A vampire’s victim kicks and punches their attacker but with a mere thought, the creature of the night causes their victim’s body to become relaxed and compliant.
+ Through torture and drugs, an MK-Ultra trained CIA-spook can make anyone do anything, even assassinate a president (e.g. The Manchurian Candidate)
+ Lastly, through a technology like the God helmet (aka the Koren Helmet) or a voice-to-skull device, an operator can project thoughts, emotions, and desires into another person’s mind, sometimes called voice-to-skull technology. (This last one seems like science fiction but various government-sponsored agencies, like DARPA, have developed the tech)
Notions of this type of mind control have some truth to them. But they are also misleading. They imply that a person’s will can be totally overcome.
I would argue, our world is governed by elite pirates and parasites that have been using various forms of mind control on the general population for all of recorded history and beyond. However, the nature of this mind control is unknown to the masses—it’s occult, meaning hidden or secret. This makes it hard to identify, which is why, when you ask most people if they believe they’re under the spell of mind control, they almost immediately dismiss the idea.
As you’ll discover in this series, a knee-jerk rejection of a claim indicates the person is under a type of self-reinforced mind control. As a rule of investigation, you can’t know if something exists if you have not defined what you’re investigating. If we were to ask someone who fundamentally rejects the idea of mind control to define what mind control is, we would no doubt receive an incomplete or flat-out wrong answer. A straw man idea of what mind control is. This means that understanding what mind control truly is, in it’s entirety, is important to face the truth about mind control and what we can do about it.
Of course, I’m presenting the argument that mind control is most definitely real and actually a lot more prevalent than we might think. What mind control really does versus what we think it does needs to be understood.
If a person’s will can be completely overcome, one would think that this would be used everywhere. And yet, we seem to have control over our own thoughts and actions, at least to a certain extent. This would suggest that it isn’t possible to totally and completely control a person’s mind and will, or at least if it is possible with some technique or technology, it’s too costly to push to the world on a grand scale. But if it is possible it would suggest that there’s some benefit to granting people some measure of freedom. The cabal does actually need to allow for some measure of freedom of thought and choice but the reason why will wait for a future article.
Is it possible to control a person’s mind, what they think, and feel, as if it’s a genuine experience? Can we make people love us? Can we make people choose something with the same level of intensity as a genuine choice?
An Age Long Tradition
Researchers have argued that there are connections between occult groups of the past and ones in the modern age that use mind control.
The scientific revolution produced a kind of renaissance in psychological research and subsequent weaponization by these same groups of that Neo-mind research effort.
Imagine it, for hundreds if not thousands of years, methods for manipulating and controlling the masses were advanced by self-serving rulers, tyrants, and despots. Whether in Ancient Rome, the Central American Mayas, or the Australian Aborigines, traces of mind control can be found. As power is politically accumulated methods for keeping it are sought after. Keeping power beyond what one should have often means acting against the will of other people. This battle of wills naturally leads to the development of methods for manipulating the minds and wills of others—an institution of mind control emerges within civilization as a result.
For instance, in the past, inquisitors used various torture methods to “soften up” the interviewee, effectively compelling the victim to do what the torturer wanted. In Hollywood, torture is sometimes depicted as an effective, yet costly method for ensuring the person tortured is telling the truth. But in reality, it’s a poor interrogation technique, as a 1992 US Army Field Manual describes: “[Torture] is a poor technique that yields unreliable results, may damage subsequent collection efforts, and can induce the source to say what he thinks the interrogator wants to hear."
Why torture people in interrogations at all? It has more to do with controlling a person than getting them to tell the truth. The Inquisition and other religious persecutions over the centuries suggest as much.
Of course, there are many reasons some people torture others. In future installments of this series, we’ll explore the fascinating subject of cults and cult ritual abuse, where ritual torture and sacrifice are essential features to maintain a cult’s integrity.
Many researchers, psychologists, and sociologists, who are capable of looking at history through the lens of mind control agree that it naturally emerges as a consequence of certain social conditions. Simply put, mind control develops within a population of people when one group relies on the other to make sense of reality. We touched on this in part one when discussing innocence and explanations.
Simply put, unless you can personally analyze, evaluate and make sense of an expert’s explanation, and discern it for yourself, then that expert’s opinion becomes your reality. The expert guides the thinking of those who believe them.
Maxim of Mind Control: The less intelligent and discerning a population the more mind control is used by the ruling class to maintain order.
This maxim implies a sweeping and rather disturbing conclusion: a lack of intellectual honesty and inquisitiveness leads to mind-control relationship patterns, within one-on-one friendships, families, workplaces, and essentially any place where people interact with each other, including social media and mass media.
The shadow men of this world have advanced extremely effective and sophisticated techniques of controlling individuals and groups of people. Shadow Men is a term coined by Anthony Napoleon, author of the book by the same name 1
We’ll spend time breaking down the ancient origins of mind control and how they relate to modern times in future installments.
The Quest for the Ultimate Goal
The desire to control another person is not new. The ultimate goal has always been the same: to control someone so perfectly there is no trace of mind control at all, just an obedient subject.
Almost every mind control technique out there comes at a price. That price makes it either easy to detect the mind control or reduces the performance capacity of the victim, thereby limiting their usefulness to the mind controller.
You don’t want an Olympic athlete operating at 90% you want one operating at 100%. But if there was a way to perfectly control someone, like making someone fall in love as if they were genuinely in love, this would be the ultimate goal and supremely useful to the mind controllers of this world.
On this point, it should be noted, that even God doesn’t use his omnipotent power to force beings to do His Will. However, it appears to be impossible to produce total control without harming the victim in some way. As a result, we have two preferred methods out there: coercive control and subtle control.
Historically, we referred to mind control as spirit or demon possession 2, where a shaman or witch doctor could communicate with the spirit world to command a familiar spirit to indwell the mind of their victim 3, conscripting the victim into total obedience to the one in control of the familiar. Voodoo cults in Haiti and West Africa claim to have the ability to use the spirits to subdue the living 4.
When we look at the testimony of voodoo priests, psychologists, and some of their alleged victims, we find that in almost every case what we might think of as total mind control—subduing of the will—extreme trauma was employed. This extreme trauma acts on the mind in a way that produces the effect of total control, but in reality, it’s more like extreme coercion.
As an analogy, a mugger demands you give up your valuables, using a threat to your life as the motivating agent. The choice exists either way, with most people choosing the loss of valuables over the loss of their life. While it could be argued you didn’t have a choice you actually do have one.
The CIA performed horrific mind control experiments on human subjects from 1953 to 1973, dubbed Project MKUltra. Rumor has it the program didn’t really end, it went deep black 5. According to documents released about MKUltra 6, “The Central Intelligence Agency drugged American citizens without their knowledge or consent. It used university facilities and personnel without their knowledge. It funded leading researchers, often without their knowledge.” As author and journalist, Stephen Kinzer put it in his 2020 book, Prisoner in Chief, the project “was a continuation of the work begun in WWII-era Japanese facilities and Nazi concentration camps on subduing and controlling human minds.”
In other words, the effort to discover the perfect method to totally and completely subdue the human mind and will—by any means necessary, spairing no expense—had been underway for decades before Mk-Ultra began in the ‘50s. It was an international effort. Despite endless resources and unlimited support, it ultimately failed in its mission—at least, the mission of coming up with a foolproof and irresistible method for mind control.
What was discovered in the program, echoed by many, is that a person’s will can’t be totally subdued, it can only be influenced. Through torture, drugs, and other means of coercion, a person can be compelled to make a choice and perform an action the mind controller wants them to make, but they can’t make the choice for the person.
If the mind controllers could make a choice for a person, this would be the gold standard of mind control—the ultimate goal. Why? Because when a person makes a wholehearted decision to do something, the full force of their motivation, devotion, and compliance is invested in that choice. People have been known to starve themselves, endure torture, sacrifice wealth, status, and family in the name of a cause they are devoted to.
But no such luck for the mind manipulators that would love more than to do away with free will entirely.
This is a huge revelation.
It means no matter what the mind control method is, so long as the victim of mind control has the strength of will and knowledge of how to discern properly, they can develop resistance to any form of mind control. But don’t make the mistake of dismissing the power of these methods.
Coercive Mind Control
A mind control technique can’t steal away from you your inherent capacity of free will and volition. In this sense, the mind controller can only, ever, make suggestions or requests using sophisticated methods that corral your will into compliance. Trauma-based mind control, in this sense, is a negative enticement, making the suggestion appealing because it’s a way to avoid more pain and suffering.
In trauma-based methods, the mind controller frames their request—the thing they want their victim to do—in a context that communicates to the victim the only viable choice is compliance with the request. The mind controller might use threats, torture, hypnosis, drugs, and even technology that invades the inner sanctum of the psyche—but in all cases, the choice is ultimately up to the victim to make. If free will is a feature of the material brain, they haven’t figured out a way to hijack it yet.
What we just described is one of the two types of mind control: coercive or trauma-based mind control—wherein the method is designed to make any other choice but compliance so unpleasant and traumatic, the victim goes along with the request.
MK-Ultra, for example, aimed at discovering a way to break down or subdue the free will of the victim, so requests would automatically be carried out without a second thought. This was because other methods, although effective, still left the choice in the hands of the victim.
In order to accomplish total control, extreme torture, and mind-altering states are required, which in effect, cause the person’s will to shut down entirely, leaving the victim in a compliant child-like state. This is where the line between military-sponsored mind control projects and cult-like ritual abuse becomes blurry because extreme abuse can produce dissociative experiences that were historically understood as demon possession 7. The same methods have been and are still being used on cult victims to this day.
In other words, the trauma has to be so total and so complete, so inescapable, combined with social reinforcement that the host personality is effectively destroyed or completely immobilized. This produces what’s called a dorsal state of the vegas nerve 8 also known as the so-called freeze response. Some researchers claim this is the so-called Monarch Mind Control method 9. The coercive method works by direct confrontation with the will of the victim, breaking down resistance and the personality itself to achieve the total control effect. As was mentioned earlier, this level of control comes at a price, the victim is now broken, emotionally disturbed, traumatized, and arguably whatever skills they had before are severely compromised due to the fact the will has been degraded.
It makes sense if you think about it.
It’s like trying to force someone to love you. Love is such a holistic and choice-based phenomenon, the act of forcing it destroys whatever love was there. In another example, a musician might write beautiful music because they are inspired. But that same musician likely won’t make good music if they were forced at gunpoint to do so.
Subtle Mind Control
The other type of mind control attacks the problem of the victim resisting from the opposite direction, subtly and indirectly.
The second of the two types is subtle mind control.
This method attempts to generate within the victim the will and motivation to carry out the goal of the mind controller but through methods that, in effect, trick the victim, making them believe it was their organic desire or choice.
Subtle mind control methods employ a host of techniques, many of which we are familiar with, such as propaganda and cultural reinforcement. Other techniques most of us only dimly acknowledge, such as early childhood neglect, affective dysregulation or damaging of the emotional guidance system, endocrine disruption, reduction of testosterone, disintegrated tribal community in-group associations and weaponized cultural icons—to name a few.
This latter type of mind control hijacks the belief and value region of the psyche, which is upstream from free will choice and volition. In other words, if you can subtly implant values into a person combined with the implantation of certain beliefs, a person will decide to do what the mind control wants, all while believing it was their personal choice.
While both methods are used today, the former (coercive method) requires much more resources and attention, multiple people focusing on one mind control victim at a time. The latter (subtle method) requires more time in that the conditioning starts in the womb and continues all throughout life but mass mind control methods are used. For instance, a movie containing certain cultural toxification exemplars designed to train people how to destroy their own relationships has the power to infect millions of people.
Although subtle mind control seems far more harmless than trauma-based mind control this is an illusion. Both are extremely damaging to the individual and society at large. However, it’s a lot easier to recognize the brutality of torturing a person with electroshock for days on end in an effort to break down their will. But recognizing the harm inflicted on children who grow up to be damaged adults is almost impossible due to a lack of proper context and normalcy bias. That is, as Dr. Charles Whitfield argues in his research, the current estimates on mental illness associated with these techniques are about 95% 10.
This is part of the reason I’m slowly unpacking this subject. Because as a general rule of thumb, human beings have been under the spell of mind control for so long that mass Stockholm syndrome has set in. Living life under the yoke of mind influence is so normal, a standard feature of life on earth, we can’t really recognize it. What’s more, there are entire portions of the mass mind control agenda specifically designed to cover up, mask, and otherwise keep secret the truth we experience every day.
A good analogy is a battered housewife. She doesn’t realize something’s wrong, but it most certainly is.
In the next installment of this series, we’ll dive a lot deeper into how these methods work, and ultimately, why understanding them better helps us appreciate self-mastery is as an antidote.
Shadow Men: An Encyclopedia of Mind Control by Anthony Napoleon presents a historic, psychologic, and varied presentation on mind control, its connections with psychology, the effect it has on those who practice it, and the various anti-mind control movements that have emerged in history. Notably, the author provides an excellent model for how and why mind control naturally emerges within populations where intrinsic knowledge formation has not emerged as an individual aspiration inspired by cultural norms and ideals.
Possession: Demoniacal And Other Among Primitive Races, In Antiquity, The Middle Ages, And Modern Times, by T. K. Oesterreich, 1930
Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence, and Healing Approaches by James Randall Noblitt & Pamela Perskin Noblitt, 1995
ibid. 2
A Deep Black Project is an Unacknowledged Special Access Program given special secrecy powers by the US government, participants are able to lie when questioned under oath. As a result, it’s nearly impossible to prove the existence of a deep black project. Nevertheless, researchers have claimed that MKUltra went deep black after the program officially ended in 1973. For more on deep black projects, see: Special Access Programs And The Pentagon’s Ecosystem Of Secrecy
Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources United States Senate 95th Congress First Session, August 3rd, 1977
ibid. 2
Polyvagal Theory is a relatively new neuroscientific sociological theory of emotional regulation, claiming that the central nervous system’s various states of activation are for adaptive evolutionary purposes. While the theory has not been endorsed by official psychology and medicine, the models provide explanatory power, especially when considering the peculiar relationship between powerful negative social reinforcement and resulting psychological effects, specifically those dealing with core features of the psychic and personality, such as free will, values, desires, and identity.
Total Mind Controlled Slave By Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler is an alleged disclosure revealed by an Illuminati whistleblower in combination with the research of the author. It details alleged techniques starting as early as infancy, producing extremely powerful and effective mind-controlled states, and total and complete slavery for the victim.
Healing the Child Within by Dr. Charles Whitfield
Great read, looking forward to next installment
MKultra survivor at red pill expo. Describes how she escaped from the Cult. Describes the "green" conditioning that brings the Soul to the point of absolute annihilation where you choose either death, or to give your soul to satan. She had been clandestinely been taught the Lord's Prayer and through her faith in God was able to make a different choice. Riveting memoir - Surviving Sex Majick - how she was sold into, and eventually escaped CIA satanic cult (hint - they are all worshippers of satan and have sworn to destroy all humanity), and to suck our consciousness into AI virtual reality in a bid to take over Heaven (a script that can be found in the last 300 pages of of Mein Kampf, which is what "MK" stands for). Yes you can survive mind control but you are going to lose everything...we all are anyway. Our best hope is to ... "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind...and love your neighbor as yourself." Love--for those of us who are still human, is the ONLY weapon we've got and they want to take it from us by causing us to hate and to fear so they can take our souls. My best this book as many times as you need to for the reality of our situation to sink in.